Strays Pack 6: Powell, Jarboe, Falck
Strays Pack 6: Powell, Jarboe, Falck
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Strays Pack 6 features poets D.A. Powell, Canese Jarboe, and Noah Falck.
The Strays series presents original “stray” poetry from three poets in each pack. Packs have included sequences, experiments, crowns, scraps, fragments, miscellanea, and more.
D. A. Powell's books include Repast, Useless Landscape or A Guide for Boys, and Chronic. Powell received the 2019 John Updike Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. He teaches at the University of San Francisco.
Canese Jarboe is the author of the chapbook dark acre (Willow Springs Books, 2018) and a 2022 Nō Studios Artist Grant recipient. Their recent work has appeared in Southeast Review, Colorado Review, DIAGRAM, and elsewhere. From rural southeastern Kansas, Canese splits their time between the farm and Wisconsin where they are a PhD student in creative writing and AOP Fellow at UW-Milwaukee.
Praise for Canese Jarboe’s Stray:
Given that Jarboe’s work occupies a decidedly rural, agrarian landscape, the choice to place a poem titled “Analog” at the center of the text is significant: media, particularly in the pre-digital era that the poem appears to document, functions (like the lyric itself) as a way out—a bridge from an otherwise isolated geography to distinctly other spatial and ontological possibilities: queer desire and adult sexuality (“I had crossed the threshold”); military bootcamp; the Californian high school of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Within the splicing of VHS tapes, there is a world-making at play—Jarboe invokes the movement of linear time and beckons its collapse: “All that is left is the feeling outside the frame.”
… Jarboe’s chapbook begins by asking, “What if there is no wind.” And fortunately, there is: I feel it in these poems.
- Marty Cain in Mossy Reviews
Noah Falck is the author of Exclusions (finalist for the 2020 Believer Book Award) and Snowmen Losing Weight. His poems have appeared in the Kenyon Review, Literary Hub, Poetry Daily,, and have been anthologized in Poem-A-Day 365 Poems for Every Occasion. He lives and works in Buffalo, New York.