Strays Pack 7: Berger, Leyva, Ginsberg
Strays Pack 7: Berger, Leyva, Ginsberg
Strays Pack 7 features poets Don Berger, Steven Leyva, and Aeon Ginsberg.
Don Berger
Donald Berger grew up in New York and Massachusetts, and is the author of The Long Time, a bilingual edition in English and German (Wallstein Press, Goettingen, Germany), Quality Hill (Lost Roads Publishers) and The Cream-Filled Muse (Fledermaus Press). His poems and prose have appeared in The New Republic, Slate, Conjunctions, The New York Times, New American Writing, Colorado Review, Fence, Ironwood, The Iowa Review, The Massachusetts Review, and other magazines including some from Berlin, Leipzig, Budapest, Hong Kong and mainland China. A recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship, he’s travelled widely in Europe and East Asia and has taught at Montgomery College and the University of Maryland, where he helped direct the MFA Program in Creative Writing. He currently teaches writing at Johns Hopkins.
Steven Leyva
Steven Leyva was born in New Orleans, Louisiana and raised in Houston, Texas. His poems have appeared in 2 Bridges Review, Scalawag, Nashville Review, jubilat, Vinyl, Prairie Schooner, and Best American Poetry 2020. He is a Cave Canem fellow and author of the chapbook Low Parish and author of The Understudy’s Handbook which won the Jean Feldman Poetry Prize from Washington Writers Publishing House. Steven holds an MFA from the University of Baltimore, where he is an assistant professor in the Klein Family School of Communications Design.
Aeon Ginsberg
Aeon ginsberg (ey/em) is a transfeminine writer from Baltimore City, MD. Eir first book, Greyhound, is available through Noemi Press.