Marta del Pozo
Marta del Pozo
Marta del Pozo holds a PhD in Spanish literature from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and an MFA in creative writing from New York University. She was awarded the poetry accesit in Spain for La memoria del pez by the Academia Castellano-leonesa de poesía (2008), the Antonio Gala International poetry prize for Hambre de imágenes (2015) and the Iberoamerican Poetry Award Entreversos for Nigredo (2017). She is also the author of Escuela de geómetras (2016). She has co-translated into English Yván Yauri’s Viento de Fuego / FireWind (Ugly Duckling Presse, NY), as well as translated into Spanish James Joyce’s The Dead / Los muertos (editorial Conatus), Richard Jackson’s Resonance / Resonancia and Robert Bringhurst’s The Beauty of the Weapons / La belleza de las armas (both in Kriller71) and Jenny Xie’s Eye Level (forthcoming with Vaso Roto). She is Associate Professor at the department of Global Languages and Cultures at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth and the founding editor at Quantum Prose, New York.
Foundlings Titles:
Hunger of Images (forthcoming)