Rachelle Toarmino | Photo credit: Sam Tilkins
Rachelle Toarmino
Editorial Advisory Board Member
Rachelle Toarmino is the author of the poetry collection That Ex (Big Lucks Books, 2020) and the chapbooks Feel Royal (b l u s h, 2019) and Personal & Generic (PressBoardPress, 2016). Her poems and essays have appeared in Electric Literature, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Sundress Publications, P-Queue, and elsewhere, and have been anthologized in The Cosmonauts Avenue Anthology and My Next Heart: New Buffalo Poetry. She is the founding editor in chief of Peach Mag and currently serves as the assistant managing editor of jubilat. She lives between Buffalo and Western Massachusetts, where she is an MFA candidate in poetry at UMass Amherst.
Foundlings Titles:
Strays Pack 4
More info at https://www.rachelletoarmino.com/.