
Bianca Stone's The Black House Launch at Unnameable Books, Turners Falls, MA - Nov. 3

We’re headed back to the Valley! Join us for a celebration of the release of Bianca Stone’s The Black House Nov. 3, 6pm at Unnameable Books in Turners Falls, MA. The event will feature readings by Bianca Stone and Dara Barrois/Dixon, a short film, and a Q&A with the author. We’ll also be on hand to sell the remaining copies of The Black House.

What: The Black House Launch Party and Reading by Bianca Stone, with special guest Dara Barrois/Dixon

Where: Unnameable Books, 66 Avenue A, Turners Falls, Massachusetts 01376

When: Nov. 3, 6pm

This will be our second-ever event in Western Massachusetts—and a rare event outside of Buffalo, New York—following the release of Emma Fuchs’s Ralph Angel Poetry Prize-winning broadside “Sestina for Klein Blue” at Northampton’s Iconica Social Club last spring. We hope to see some familiar faces!