
Goodness Gracious Launch Reading and Reception Jan. 16 at Buffalo Arts Studio


Buffalo Arts Studio
Tri-Main Center, Suite 500
6pm January 16, 2020

Join Foundlings Press for the official launch of Goodness Gracious, a poetry chapbook by Nicholas Molbert, winner of the 2018 Wallace Award.

The event will include a brief reading as well as a pop-up exhibition of original work by Buffalo Arts Studio Studio Artist Edreys Wajed, guest book artist for Goodness Gracious.

Foundlings will host an informal afterparty at the Central Park Grill, a short walk down Main St. from the reading venue.

About Nicholas Molbert and GOODNESS GRACIOUS

Winner of the Foundlings Press Wallace Award, Nicholas Molbert's Goodness Gracious explores creation, distance, landscapes, and the passing of lives. As guest book artist Edreys Wajed puts it, "These poems are light as feathers, hit hard as bricks."

Charged with memory and desire, haunted by heaven and lineage, Nicholas Molbert's poems are sluiced with physical and spiritual longing, unexpectedly tender, sometimes funny, and always moving.

- Mark Wagenaar

Originally from Louisiana's Gulf Coast, Nicholas Molbert lives and writes in Southern Ohio as a PhD student in poetry at the University of Cincinnati. His work has appeared in or is forthcoming in journals such as The Adroit Journal, American Literary Review, The Cincinnati Review, The Missouri Review Online, Ninth Letter, Permafrost, and Pleiades Book Review, among others.

Blurbs and purchase information here.

Retail orders available through SPD.

Watch and listen to Nicholas Molbert reading here.